Dave's Space
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Nobody cares about the single most important issue that will never be brought up in this election.
When did my senators stop representing me? Hatch especially. With the recent introduction of HR 4077 or "Piracy Education Act" I have been forced to conclude that Sen. Hatch only represents Utah if he thinks Utahns are watching him. Otherwise, he bends over backwards for corporate and moneyed interests. There are so many things in this bill that are contrary to public interests and the needs of his constituents, that I really can't understand how he justifies this attack on our rights and culture.

He does mention that he wants to "protect us" from insecure software and lawsuits by the entertainment industry. Wow. Thanks, Hatch. So now you get to decide what we can install on our computers. Great. And you want to protect us from lawsuits. So what do you do? You give the Justice Department the ability to sue us instead of Hollywood. Plus you enact penalties with extrememly harsh penalties for copyright infringement. So if this passes, in California (and most other states), it is better to be caught drunk driving then using a camcorder in a movie theater. Now that makes a lot of sense.

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