Dave's Space
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Let's see how quick I can type this...
This is right before bed. My wife wants to know if this my journal. Maybe so. It's the closest thing I have to one, anyway.

My daughter, Kendra(5), made fruit salad for dinner. She even insisted on saving me some for when I got home from work. It was pretty good. Meanwhile, Beckra(2), isists that she is going to be a daddy when she grows up and marry a mommy. Sigh.

Ok. So this post is pretty pointless. But hey! I enjoyed it. :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Typing on my break
I've been pretty disappointed this year with the presidential race. No real debate going on, just a lot of mud slinging. And just when I was really wanting to like the Democratic candidate, they choose John Kerry, who seems to be the most non-descript guy around. Nothing interesting to say, and way to focused on the past. And what's up with getting Botox? Don't you like yourself? It's not as if Americans won't vote for an old president. Look at Reagan.

Oh well. I guess I'll protest vote for Libertarians.

The Amazing Race Finale
I can't express how excited I was that Chip and Kim pulled off the victory. If you don't watch The Amazing Race on CBS, you are really missing out. As far as realitytv goes, it is at the top of the pack. The challenges are interesting, the locations are amazing, and characters interesting. I would have been happy with any ending except Collin & Kristie winning. I developed a strong dislike for both of them by the end. Down with egomaniacal super-freaks!

Catch it from the start! Amazing Race 6 starts soon!

Monday, September 20, 2004
Hello out there.
Just wanted a general spot to type random diatribes or thoughts or whatever and have them seen (or not) by the world. Personally, I think the world has changed drastically within the last five years. Maybe it's because my oldest is five years old, or it could be that creating and distributing information has become easier than ever.

Anyway, I hope that I might write something interesting someday. If I do, please comment. If I don't, that's fine, too.

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